Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Welcome to the 2019 Challenge!

It's hard to believe that we're starting the fourth annual challenge! Things will run pretty much the same as in previous years:

1. Find yourself a fitness challenge to do for the month of February

2. Do it - have some fun and increase your fitness

3. Support Parkinson's research (we support the Royal University Hospital foundation in Saskatoon). Read more about this.

Stay tuned - there will be more to come as we get rolling for our fourth year!



Mary said...

Hi Richard - count Joel and me in!

Joel will make a plan for his workout and will text it over to you.
I am open to suggestions...(from either Tammie or Tana).

Here's to a great February!

Rebecca said...

My friend and I will be participating. For Feb, we will be doing the following each day:
1. 28 day Belly Fat Blast challenge. (https://gethealthyu.com/28-day-belly-fat-blast-challenge/

2. 3 x 1 min plank
a. 1 min low planks on your elbows but you have to continuously alternate reaching your hand outs out.
b. 1 min left side elbow plank and continuously lift your right leg up and down a bit (max 1 ft height).
c. 1 min right side elbow plank and continuously lift your left leg up and down a bit (max 1 ft height).

3. 3 x 20s running up stairs (www.theglobeandmail.com/life/health-and-fitness/article-the-canadian-researcher-who-coined-the-one-minute-workout-has-and-even/