Here's my "spin" on that fact. February is half-over, meaning we have made it half-way through one of the (usually) coldest and wintriest months of the year, at least in Canada. So having half of that in the rear view mirror is awesome, I say. My experience over the past four challenges is that February literally ZOOMS by and then, as quoth Shakespeare, " heard no more..." We go straight into March and then before you know it, Spring has sprung!
My suggestion for today is that you head to the figurative locker room, regroup for your challenge activities, get some refreshment, and enjoy a few moments to unwind a bit. Of course, since it's Valentine's day, be sure to celebrate the day in a special way.
Here is your final half-time coaching message:
- stay hydrated
- stick to your game plan
- do your best
- keep pushing your bar higher
- keep doing what is working
- make adjustments if you need to (stop doing what's not working)
- encourage a friend to do something to improve their wellness
- get out there and have a great second half!
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