Friday, 1 February 2019

DAY ONE: Welcome to Day One of our Fourth Annual Challenge!

If you're joining us for the challenge this year, congratulations! Over the month of February, we hope you will take your wellness to a new level. And not just by doing an activity for a month. The big idea, really, is that the experience will cement the idea of WELLNESS into your thinking - all the time.

So, your challenge needs to be at least a bit fun, and it should be a challenge that pushes you a bit out of your comfort zone. It should be difficult enough that, when you look back on it, you will be able to say you accomplished something.

I may have said this in the past, but I really believe we don't get our self-esteem from participation ribbons; we get self-esteem from accomplishments, from achieving something. Our mission should be to always be working to achieve something meaningful and which just exceeds our grasp, to paraphrase Robert Browning. So if I were to sum it up, it would go like this:

Accomplishment requires effort.

Effort requires motivation.

Motivation requires determination.

Determination is guided by attitude.

Attitude is a decision.

I hope that through this February challenge, your attitude will point toward taking your wellness more seriously. 27 days to go!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Brilliant. I may quote you in the future on this one. I especially like ‘we don’t get self esteem from participation ribbons’.